May 1-3, 2024

Convene 2024


Are you ready...

to strengthen your leadership?
for God to use you and your business for His kingdom?
to enlarge your business AND kingdom vision?
to enliven your marriage and relationships
for some rest and reflection?

If you’re ready to lean into leadership learning, Convene 2024 is your place. You may be feeling overwhelmed, lonely, tired, facing people challenges or wondering how to integrate your faith with your work. We’ve helped thousands of leaders see a pathway to a place of strength, confidence and clarity. You’ll be equipped and inspired by leaders who have travelled your path before. Join us in Rancho Bernardo, California!

Our Speakers

We’re lining up an all star cast of seasoned leaders for you to experience and engage with. You won’t just listen, take a short break and sit back down to hear another talk. You’ll get to interact with each speaker, ask questions, and take time to consider what you should do with what you just heard. That’s real leadership learning, the Convene way!

learn more

our speakers
our hosts

Our Hosts

Jason Brown, CEO of Marketplace Chaplains and Bea Wray, Author, Speaker and Convene Chair are teaming up during Convene 2024 to bring you a rich, lively, Christ-centered and business focused experience. We’re excited to have their unique experiences enrich our time together, move us from one state of ‘READY’ to the next, and help us listen for what God desires each of us to take-away from May 1,2, and 3 in Rancho Bernardo!

Rancho Bernardo Inn

Gather with like-minded
faith-based leaders in Rancho Bernardo, California

Nestled in the rolling hills of San Diego’s North County, The Rancho Bernardo Inn is laid back, enchanting and refined all at once. You’ll find tranquil courtyards, lush gardens and captivating vistas. This early California mission styled resort is bounded by a championship golf course and sits on 265-acres. The resort is about 40 minutes from San Diego airport, 90 minutes from Orange Country airport and 2 hours from LAX.

Find out more about the Inn here

Our Musical Guest

Steve Bell

Steve Bell is just the ticket to refresh your weary soul. He’s a storyteller, a modern-day troubadour, a poet and a musician, sent to bear a message of God’s love for His people. Steve’s 30 year solo career has brought encouragement to audiences throughout North America. His career statistics are striking; 20 albums selling well over 400,000 copies independently.

Steve’s award-winning music combined with his deep theological insights will have you pondering life, laughing out loud and maybe even shedding a few tears as his music touches your soul. Steve has been awarded 2 JUNO awards, multiple Music Awards, and is a member of the Order of Canada. He hails from Winnipeg in Canada and his fan base circles the globe. 

Listen in to his music here.

Steve Bell

The Schedule

Wednesday, May 1st

4:30pm | Networking Reception
6 – 8pm | Dinner and Session 1
Dessert Reception immediately following

Thursday, May 2nd

7 am | Breakfast
8 - 9:30am | Session 2
9:30 - 10am | Break
10 - 11:30am | Session 3
11:30am– 1pm | Lunch
1 – 4pm | Cornerstone Conversations
4 – 6pm | Break
6 – 8 pm | Dinner and Session 4
Dessert Reception immediately following

Friday, May 3rd

7 am | Breakfast
8 - 9:30am | Session 5
9:30 - 10am | Break
10 - 11:30am | Session 6
Conference closes at 11:30am

A Message From the Convene CEO

What do you think of when you hear the word “READY” ?

Runners at the starting blocks? Open Hands ready to receive form God? Ready for whatever life dishes up to you? Ready to learn? Ready to say YES to God even if you are not sure what’s next? Ready to grow? Ready for God to meet you and breathe life into your soul? Ready for vacation? Ready for Jesus to return?

In May, 2024, in the hills just north of San Diego, we’re going to gather and talk about being ready. Ready for what God wants you to learn, to do, to change, to be. To be ready in a world that is rapidly changing, you must be ready to adapt and change with change. Status quo is not a place you want to live. Not much grows there. Think Sears, Blockbuster, Polaroid and Blackberry. You don’t want your company name on that list.

According to Gods leadership design you have a role as an ambassador, a soldier, an athlete and a farmer. Ambassadors must be ready to represent, soldiers must be ready to fight, athletes must be ready to win, farmers must be ready to cultivate and grow.

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer notes that we should be ready to let the plow into the fields of our business and our life. Why? So the plow can dig up the fallow ground. Are you ready for that? Tozer reminds us not to be contented with where we are; lying safe and undisturbed, as we sprawl lazily in the sunshine never knowing the wonder of bursting seed and fruit.

No matter what happens in the world, you’ll still be the leader in your firm. Your team members will still come to work looking for meaning in their jobs. That meaning begins with you and your leadership. When you as a leader improve, it helps everyone in your firm!

Are you ready to throw open the gates of your business life and your personal life and let God plow the fallow ground? If you’re ready, new things will surely be born.

See you in Rancho Bernardo at the Inn!

Signature of Greg Leith

Greg Leith, Convene CEO

What did attendees from Convene 2022 say about their experience?