“We are commanded to take the Gospel to all nations, but we cannot forget we have also been commanded to share it with all generations. God is moving all over the world, but don't miss what He is doing with the younger generations in the US. Revival is stirring.” Sean Dunn, Founder / President, Groundwire.net, Jesuscares.com
Something is happening in our nation. There is a growing hunger for an authentic touch from God. So how do we as believers, as employers, and as business owners lean into the opportunities to share the good news of Jesus and His hope, purpose, forgiveness, and salvation? How can we influence those in our families (kids and grandkids), our businesses, and our communities to see Jesus as He truly is?
Sean Dunn, Founder of Groundwork.net and Jesuscares.com, shares with us how we can participate in the movement TOWARD Jesus - putting us right in the middle of what God is doing.