
A Good Coach

A Coach will help you discover your priorities, define a road-map, then move you toward that reality. Coaches help draw out from the individual the best solution. A Coach may already have drawn their conclusions and perhaps possible solutions. They discipline themselves to wait to give their advice until they have discussed the possibilities with you. Before a coach shares their insights, they ask questions like, “what do you think are your options are at this point?” Coaching often starts with an objective person who can listen in order to soundboard a variety of options. Then they talk through each option to a favorable conclusion. Once a discovery, declaration, or conclusion is determined, a good coach will help guide and define an actionable plan. A coach will ask...

  • When will you take action?

  • What’s holding you back?

  • What help do you need?

  • When will you be finished?

  • What's the win worth to you?

A coach will help you respond to these question, count the cost, and focus your response. Then a coach knows how to get you unstuck and moving in the right direction! A coach reminds you that what motivates you moves you!

Good Coach helps you pay attention to your priorities!

A Great Coach will walk with you until those priorities become a reality! A Great Coach will help you see your dream become a reality!

I'm so thankful for my great coaches and their impact in my life!

So, here's my question... who's your coach?