
Receiving God's Gifts and Being Entrusted With More

This Week’s Devotional PROMISE: “When you are a faithful steward of the gifts God has given you, He will entrust you with more” “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things, enter into the joy of your lord” Matthew 25:21

Do you seek to be a righteous follower of Christ? Do you trust God’s promises? If so, then you will be a faithful steward of the gifts He has given you. As Christians, we are called to walk with God and to obey His commandments. Oswald Sanders advised, “Never support an experience which does not have God as its source, and faith in God as its result”

A PRAYER FOR TODAY Dear Lord, make me a faithful steward of my possessions, my talents, my time, and my testimony. In every aspect of my life, Father, let me be Your humble and obedient servant.

Have a blessed day!