
Be a Leader Who Learns at Convene 2022

How do you learn as a leader? Is it just you and a leadership book in the wee hours of the morning or late at night while the family is asleep? Do you listen to podcasts while driving or find yourself scanning LinkedIn for new ideas from business luminaries?

For more than 25 years, those of us at Convene have been convinced that leadership learning is a team sport where the learning environment matters. We believe it’s most productive in small learning pods that meet regularly over the long haul. 

We also believe that interacting with leadership speakers is most effective when accompanied by time for reflection. We want you to have time to process what’s stirring in your heart on a long walk in the hills. We want you to dialogue and wrestle over what you’re learning with leaders just like you…. face to face.

This is the learning environment our team is creating for you and your senior team at Convene 2022. We believe the learning environment matters, so we bought out much of the five diamond Ojai Valley Inn in the hills just north of Los Angeles for a two-day conference this May. You’ll learn side-by-side with Christian business owners as you experience the majestic and restful learning environment of Ojai, California, starting May 4th at dinner and ending May 6th at lunch. Our theme is ILLUMINATE. 


I love the translation of Proverbs 1:5 in the Living Bible: “I want those already wise to become wiser.” The world is desperate for good leaders who prioritize their own growth and learning. Part of Illuminating your work world with God’s love is growing your leadership skills so you can be your best at reflecting God’s love from Monday to Friday. 

We’ve handpicked some of the best Christian business minds in the country who will talk about profitable growth, the economy, your marriage, people problems, complexity and overload, legal issues, religious freedom storm clouds and faith integration ideas. You’ll hear real life stories from Christian business owners who are doing hard work in the trenches of the marketplace. Convene 2022 is a gathering place to sort through the complexities of leadership together.  

We’ve asked our presenters to stick around after their talk, so you can ask them questions. Rest assured that their material is biblically sound, and packed with leading-edge thinking for business owners. 

I pray your Christian leadership learning journey has a stop in Ojai, California. Don’t wait to register; we expect to sell out this year as we have in the past. Find out more here:


Greg Leith

Greg Leith is the CEO of Convene. He was born in Canada and lived in all four corners of North America. His career spans over 35 years of senior leadership roles in corporate, non-profit and academic sectors. Recently, he served as Director of Strategic Alliances for 13 years at Biola University in California.