
intentional leadership


Every organization has an existing legacy and is shaping that legacy for the future.   Is that “shaping” occuring by our design or by random actions resulting from the lack of our intentional leadership. Legacy is generally dedfined as the social, spiritual, economic and behaviorial situation/condition transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor.

Everyone and every organization has a legacy and likewise everyone and every organization is constantly creating/modifying their legacy.

I have a good friend who just resigned as Chairman of a 7th generation successful-$1B dollar family business.  This family  has built a respected business legacy  that is perhaps better known than it’s product.  How has such a wholesome legacy survived through many generations and through many changes in government and financial regulations?

The company has been very intentional in following several Biblical leadership principals:

  • The company leadership has cast and communicated  a firm vision for the business and the values of the business—following Habakkuk 2:1-7. –i.e. the Vision/Purpose of the company is widely proclaimed and understood.

  • The company leadership understands the process and the opportunity to pass successful value onto the next generations.  In Psalm 103: 11-19 we are taught

o    Fear God—(i.e. not fright--but Reverential Awe)

o    Keep His covenants.

o    The blessings will pass on through the generations from everlasting to everlasting. 

We as business leaders, fathers, family leaders have the great opportunity to create and pass on a God Honoring Legacy.

The Convene members are encouraged to construct a SMAP—Simple Ministry Action Plan –as part of the annual business planning process.  This will create tactical business activity that will be intentionally building a stronger corporate legacy.  The Convene Working on God’s Business segment titled Creating an Explicit Plan to Love and Serve People  actually lists “65 ways to DO Effective Business as Ministry.   Including some of these or other similar actions indicates that leadership is intentional in building legacy.

We have been reflecting here on the value and process of building a strong corporate legacy—The same process works at home!  What legacy are we building in our families?