
sales managers

Are Salespeople Executives?

Are Salespeople Executives?

Interesting question and what difference does it make?

Many, many years ago Peter Drucker, considered the Father of Modern Management, recognized the shift from work done and perfected by repetition, skills through training, and quantifiable measurement to the "knowledge worker". Knowledge workers use their education, experience, and subject matter expertise to define alternative courses of action, make decisions, and take responsibilities for outcomes and expected contributions - much like executives do.

Three Immortal Things Peter Drucker, the Father of Modern Management, Taught Me

Three Immortal Things Peter Drucker, the Father of Modern Management, Taught Me

I had the distinguished privilege to study with Peter Drucker who is considered the Father of Modern Management. It is just over 30 years ago that I first met him in a very small class that he was leading. That said, I was introduced to his thinking through his writings years before that. The other night I was reflecting on the core things that he believed, taught, and yes, practiced.