
Turning Pain and Confusion into Hope

“What can I do? She never wants to talk about faith.”

If you were looking at Sara’s exterior appearance and demeanor, you might assume she would not be open to a conversation about Jesus or faith. However, what was hidden beneath her mask was crying out for everything He offers. 

She was craving hope and longing for peace.  She wanted to know she was valuable and that life would get better - and that was the doorway that led to a meaningful conversation about Jesus. 

Sara didn’t wake us asking spiritual questions.  She was in survival mode. 
But, when someone connected with her pain and listened to her internal cry, she was willing to listen to her new friend share about the God in Heaven who loved her and had a plan for her life. 

In that moment the God conversation became wasn’t theology, it was practical, relational, and the benefits of everything Jesus offered were very appealing. 

Sara prayed to receive Christ and excitedly began her new journey with Him. 

How do you connect with your Sara?

Whether or not you realize it, you know Sara.  She has a different name, but she lives in your town.  She could be a family member or someone in your neighborhood...she may even be your daughter or son, but she is everywhere...and sometimes she is actually a he.

Sara represents the many lost and broken young people who are struggling.  Their pain is intense; their questions deafening. They are looking for answers, but they don’t even know how to articulate the question.

But, if you keep your spiritual antennae’s up and listen to the Holy Spirit’s whispers, you not only can identify them, but you can help them.  You can start a conversation with them and lead them closer to Jesus, who is willing and able to help them make sense out of life, heal their pain, and offer them eternal life.  

I want to share a couple of thoughts on how you can connect with Sara...even if she is living in your home.

·      Ask God for Discernment:  I would encourage you to regularly ask God to help you see beyond the masks and see the pain of those you encounter.  When God reveals their struggle, your compassion will increase and your ability to connect will grow.

·      Really Listen: Instead of unleashing your wisdom on your Sara, try to hear what they are saying...and what remains unsaid.  Ask them questions about how these crazy times have impacted them.  Ask them about their generation and how they are coping with anxiety and disappointment.  As they answer they will give you a glimpse into the areas where they are struggling. 

·      Be Vulnerable:  Rather than preaching a mini-sermon and sharing your wisdom, give them a glimpse into your struggles.  “When I am feeling anxious, I ....”.  “When I was younger, I struggled with depression, but I found hope.”  If they feel you can’t relate and you don’t care, they will tune you out, but if they feel you understand, they will lean in.

·      Speak Jesus:  Jesus is the giver of hope, life, peace, joy, comfort.  He is the answer to every meaningful question they are asking, so don’t be afraid to share.  “I know your heart is broken, but I want you to know that Jesus wants to heal your heart.”  “I know it seems that life will never get better, but I promise you, God has a great plan for you.  Life may not be perfect, but He will never leave you.”

·      Introduce them to Jesus:  Connection is a good start.  Sharing about Jesus is important.  However, don’t stop short. All the promises God offers are available to those who have accepted His gift of salvation and are walking in relationship with Him.  Take that next step and tell them that God sent Jesus to pay the price for their sin so that He could have a relationship with Him and anyone who places their trust in Jesus receives forgiveness, eternal life, is adopted as a child of God, and gains the Holy Spirit.  Tell the Sara in your life they were created to walk in relationship with God through Jesus and it starts the day they say “yes” to Him. 

Don’t assume they believe this already or even know it.  Don’t make the mistake of believing because they come from a good family or even have attended church growing up that they understand this.  Use the relational equity that you have built to introduce them to your best friend and the One who wants to be theirs as well. 

Sara asked, “How is it possible that I am 27 years old and no one has ever told me that God loves me?” 

Today, you may bump into someone who is struggling in the same way.  Stay alert.  Stay focused on Jesus. Invite Him to use you, and then don’t back down.  Share Jesus. 

The Sara in your life may not realize that is what she needs...but truthfully it is all she needs.  

About the author

Sean Dunn
President at Groundwire

The calling on my life is to "Contend for a Generation." Groundwire offers the opportunity to take the truth of Jesus Christ into the heart of the media that has proven to be destructive to the faith and formation of so many lives.
WIth my family standing by my side, I have given my life to the pursuit of broadcasting hope to every student. I realize "every" sets the bar high. I realize it is an improbable goal, but I will not stop until all have heard.