
Do You Know When to Drop the Weight?

Have you ever noticed that no matter how strong you get from exercising, you always have to put down the weight?  It eventually becomes too heavy to lift, and you no longer have the energy to do anything but struggle with it.


Where do you put the weight down?  Sometimes you’re straining under it, looking for help to set it down and there is no rest in sight.  Often, you’re looking to see if anyone is watching you strain.


Did you think I was talking about the gym? 


You work hard to grow in your strength and carry heavy things, whether they be weights, bikes and bodies, or jobs, businesses, marriages and families. In short, you work to carry the weight of life.


During those times of strain, you might wonder, “Is it obvious? Do I look weak?” or “What must people think of me?”.


Most of the time no one is watching. Most of the time they are waiting for you to ask for help.

Who in your life, to use a gym metaphor, is your “spotter”? Who is there to help you put down the load without getting hurt or hurting others, to give you permission to be weak and tired?


Everyone needs that companion, trusted advisor and community of supporters – even you.


A team and coach can provide that, not to make you stronger, but to know when to share the weight with those around you. Don’t struggle with the weight of life in isolation.

Joe Larussa.jpg

Before becoming a Convene Chair, Joe gained thirty years of business experience in the construction and real estate development industries. After gaining much knowledge he started his own construction company, growing the business from a specialized subcontracting business into multiple entities.