
Work-Life Balance: Prioritizing Family and Faith while Building a Successful Business

While building a successful business, some Christian business leaders find themselves reaching their goals in revenue, growing their business, and expanding their teams, while feeling completely unfulfilled by their work. For some leaders, success is not defined by the bottom line, but by our alignment with God’s plan. Focusing on a stronger work-life balance can help business leaders feel more connected to their work without sacrificing family time and faith-driven values. 

For those of us who are committed to our families and our faith, it can be a challenge to find a way to harmonize the demands of a successful career with the needs of our personal lives. 

Seeking a more balanced life does not mean every aspect of life is perfect. Instead, it means that the things that matter receive the attention they require to thrive. Let’s explore what a balanced life looks like and pinpoint the signs of imbalance. 

What a Balanced Life Looks Like
A balanced life is one in which you feel fulfilled in your work, family, and faith. It takes effort to ensure that while one priority may require more attention at certain times, the other priorities are not neglected. 

  • During a busy season at work, slowing down for family time makes a big difference. 

  • If your work lacks meaning, integrating your faith with your work can bring value to your job that you may be missing.

Both of these efforts bring balance to your life by prioritizing family and faith. 

Spending Time With Family 
Efforts for a more balanced life may look like being fully present during family time, even if the amount of time spent together is less. When you prioritize family time, you create opportunities for deeper relationships, treasured memories, and support. Your children, in particular, will benefit from the presence of engaged parents who model the importance of balancing work with family commitments. Parents who prioritize their families while building a successful business foster a sense of security and belonging that is essential for emotional development. 

A balanced life also allows you to be a better spouse. When you are not overwhelmed by work, you can be more present, patient, and attentive to your family’s needs. This presence strengthens the family unit and creates a nurturing environment where love and faith can flourish.

Integrate Faith With Work
Leaders who integrate their faith with their work are able to seek God’s wisdom and feel at peace in the path He has made. They are also able to explore their God-given gifts as stewards in His Kingdom. This integration can look like praying over your job, talking to your peers about the things that are important to you through your faith, and bringing Biblical values (like servant leadership, compassion, and humility) into your role in the workplace. Looking beyond the bottom line, you may ask yourself how you can better serve God. 

Achieving a more balanced life fulfills your God-given purpose by aligning your time with your values. This can look different for everyone. 

Work-Life Balance Looks Different for Everyone
Work-life balance is highly individualized and can look different depending on a person’s career, family, and values. For some, balance might mean working fewer hours to spend more time with their children. For others, it could involve integrating their family into their work life, by running a family business where both priorities are intertwined.

It is important to note that a person’s definition of balance can shift over time too. A young entrepreneur may initially spend more time building their business, while later in life, they will focus on family and community involvement. The key is to recognize that work-life balance is not a one-size-fits-all concept but a dynamic process that evolves with life’s stages and responsibilities.

What Are the Signs of a Life That Lacks Work-Life Balance?
When your work-life balance is slipping, it can manifest in several areas of a person’s life. One of the most common signs of imbalance is stress or burnout. If work consistently dominates your time and energy, it can lead to physical and emotional detriment. Psalm 127:2 reminds us, “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves.” This verse underscores the limitations of overworking. This Psalm reminds us that God provides. 

Another sign of imbalance is the strain in our relationships. When family time is consistently sacrificed for work, it can lead to feelings of neglect or disconnection. This dynamic can snowball into a cycle where stress from familial issues can make work even more challenging. When faith is no longer a priority, we lose focus of God’s plan, and the values at work in your career can feel empty. If your work is no longer fulfilling, consider where you may bring your faith into your career. 

Benefits of Work-Life Balance
A better work-life balance has proven to result in more clarity and creativity. When your life is well-rounded, you are more likely to approach work with a fresh perspective and innovative ideas. The Bible encourages us to live in a state of peace. Philippians 4:4-7 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” This God-given peace allows Christian leaders to be more productive and effective in all areas of life.

Contrary to the belief that working longer hours leads to greater success, better work-life balance can actually improve your work performance. When you are well-rested and emotionally sound, you are more productive and capable of making sound decisions. 

How To Create Balance in Life by Prioritizing Family and Faith
Start by setting clear priorities and establishing boundaries to protect your time. One practical step is to schedule family time and prayer or worship time just as you would a business meeting. This ensures that these areas are given the attention they deserve and are not easily sacrificed to work demands.

Another key aspect of time management is learning to say no. It’s important to recognize that you cannot do everything. It’s okay to delegate tasks or decline additional responsibilities that could upset your balance and success. By being more intentional with your time, you can create space for both work and personal life.

Making Decisions Through Biblical Values
Integrating Biblical values into your decision-making process is a powerful way to reprioritize your faith. When faced with a decision, consider how it aligns with your faith. Proverbs 3:5-6 advises, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” This verse encourages us to seek guidance in our decisions by trusting in God. 

Making decisions through the lens of your faith can help you prioritize what truly matters. Work-life balance is essential for leaders who want to prioritize their family and faith while building a successful business. Remember, balance is not about dividing time equally: it is about creating harmony between the different priorities in your life. By recognizing the signs of imbalance, understanding the benefits of work-life balance, and implementing practical strategies (like time management and decision-making through biblical values), you can aim for a more fulfilling and successful life. 

Learn from other Christian business leaders who can relate to your experiences, struggles, and goals at Convene. Our mentors and peer groups can offer advice and counsel as you work to improve your work-life balance. Join a Convene team or connect with a Convene mentor today!