
Moving from Working IN the Business to ON the Business

Where do you invest your time? Unless the entrepreneur changes his thinking and carves out the time to work ON the business, he’ll never have the time and life balance he seeks; the business will never be as successful as he desires; and he’ll never be able to attract and retain a first-rate team.

The paradigms we hold can be a blessing or a curse. One false belief often held by an entrepreneur is that he doesn’t have enough time to work ON the business. Instead, he spends countless hours working IN the urgent, and becomes the bottleneck. Deep down, he realizes he must work ON the business if it’s to be as successful as he wants, but with current duties, the velocity of problems that keep coming and the emotional satisfaction he gets from not having to change, that seems more like a dream than reality.

If the entrepreneur gets past this stage, the business won’t be limited by his personal capacity, and new horizons will open up. If he doesn’t, he’s sentencing himself to a life that looks more like a dog chasing its tail—lots of activity, but not the progress he desires.

How are you doing at bringing vision, faith and courage to coordinated effort at your business? If you aren’t investing time to work ON the business to ensure long-term success, who will?

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is” (Ephesians 5:15-17, NIV).