
Nationally-Recognized Speakers and Thought Leaders: Inspiration from Convene's Events and Resources

At Convene, we seek  to provide our members with inspiration and guidance that creates an impact in their personal and professional lives. Check out our 2024 nationally-recognized speakers and thought leaders, who share inspiring stories and experienced insights for business leaders seeking to integrate their faith with their careers. Our events serve to connect Christian business leaders to  deepen our understanding of faith-based leadership. 

Speakers with Miraculous Stories 
Jim Daly 
Jim Daly is the president of Focus on the Family and the host of its daily radio broadcast, reaching over 6.6 million listeners weekly. Overcoming a challenging childhood, including the loss of his parents, Daly's life is a testament to the power of faith. Under his leadership, Focus on the Family has experienced  significant success in supporting foster-care adoptions while also guiding ministries to focus on building strong marriages and healthy families. Daly emphasizes that parenting is about doing one's best in Christ, and trusting that God works through our imperfections that are a normal part of life. 

Jose Hernandez
Jose Hernandez grew up farming in California and dreamed of flying to space. He worked hard to achieve his dream (after being rejected 11 times) by becoming a NASA astronaut at age 47. His successful career as an engineer continued as he co-developed the first full-field digital mammography system for the early detection of breast cancer. Today, the Jose M. Hernandez Reaching For The Stars Foundation aims to inspire youth in STEM. His life story has been made into a movie biopic called A Million Miles Away. 

Lopez Lomong
Lopez Lomong, a "Lost Boy of Sudan," has a life that tells the story of what is possible through faith. He miraculously escaped a rebel prison camp at age 6, running 60 miles to safety and eventually spending 10 years in a Kenyan refugee camp. Inspired by watching the Olympics from the camp, he pursued his dream of becoming an athlete, arriving in the USA at age 16. Lomong went on to become a 2-time Olympian, 6-time National Champion and carried the American flag during the 2008 Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony. In 2013, he set the American record in the indoor 5000m. Beyond athletics, Lopez partners with World Vision to improve lives in South Sudan, focusing on clean water, education, health care, and nutrition. His humanitarian efforts earned him the title of Visa's Humanitarian of the Year in 2012. 

Business Leaders with Wisdom To Share
Brian Audia
Brian Audia specializes in organizational performance to help employees engage with their work on a deeper level. Audia believes that by driving employee engagement in the company culture, a team can find joy in their work life, and workplaces thrive. Brian is an expert on organizational development and has received many accolades for his humanitarian and social service operations across the world. As the President and CEO of AUDIA, a consulting company with services specializing in executive leadership support, Brian has found purpose and success by increasing the performance of businesses, nonprofits, and ministries.

Richard Blackaby 
Richard Blackaby is regarded as a renowned speaker for his wisdom surrounding spiritual leadership. Richard speaks around the world encouraging Christian business leaders to take their calling seriously, so that they may maximize their impact on God’s Kingdom. Having served as a pastor and Seminary President in Canada, Richard now serves as the President of Blackaby Ministries International which helps people experience God and understand His plan for us.

Greg Leith 

Greg Leith is the CEO of Convene Corporation, leading an organization that has supported thousands of Christian CEOs for decades. With a career spanning 45 years, Greg has held senior leadership roles in corporate, nonprofit, and academic sectors, including helping to lead a $180 million capital campaign at Biola University. He has worked globally, providing aid to the persecuted church, creating jobs in India, and assisting mission agencies in China and Haiti. Greg and his wife, Shelley, have spoken on marriage and parenting for over a decade, impacting thousands of families. He also served as a senior executive at ServiceMaster for 20 years and was Vice President of Arrow Leadership Development.

Rob McKenna

Dr Rob McKenna is a renowned psychologist, recognized as one of the top 30 I-O Psychologists in the world. He is passionate about developing leaders and transforming how we understand and interact with the people in our organizations. He is an author, company founder, TEDx speaker, and thought leader featured in Forbes and Psychology Today. His approach is grounded in decades of research on leadership, team dynamics, and organizational health. Known for his authenticity and humor, Dr. McKenna shares models for leaders to invest in their people in meaningful ways. He has authored several books, including Dying to Lead and Composed: The Heart and Science of Leading Under Pressure.

Bradley Metrock 

Bradley Metrock is one of the top leaders in Conversational AI, leading a major conference for the multibillion-dollar industry called Project Voice 2023. He is the CEO of Project Voice which works to drive the adoption of conversational AI, and he hosts a podcast on AI as well. Bradley is also the General Partner in a venture capital fund that identifies and invests in emerging conversational AI companies. 

Jim Morgan 

Jim Morgan is the retired chairman and chief executive of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc. When he became CEO, he inherited an unhealthy company culture. He decided to focus less on the need to sell more doughnuts, and more on a broader vision to “touch and enhance lives through the joy that is Krispy Kreme.” This approach is rooted in an intention to love his employees like Jesus loves us. By the time the company had made a significant turnaround in 2013, Jim claimed that a culture that glorified God was the root of their success.

Tom Nelson 

After years as a pastor, Tom Nelson realized his work on Sundays neglected the congregation’s other 6 days of the week. To address this, he co-founded Made to Flourish, a network aimed at helping pastors integrate a theology of faith, work, and economics into their churches. He now helps other pastors who may realize a similar gap in their ministries to bridge the gap between Sunday’s worship with Monday through Friday’s work. Tom is the author of Work Matters and The Economics of Neighborly Love and serves as senior pastor of Christ Community Church in Kansas City. He holds advanced degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. 

Why Attend A Convene Event?

Christian business leaders can benefit from our events that specialize in integrating faith with leadership. Many of Convene’s speakers offer practical strategies for aligning business decisions with Christian principles, helping our members ensure that their companies reflect their faith. Other speakers offer inspiration through personal stories that demonstrate  leading with faith makes all things  possible. Our events also provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded peers who share similar values and challenges. Building relationships within a community of Christian business leaders provides impactful support and collaboration.

Leading a business can be a demanding and sometimes isolating experience. Hearing from nationally recognized speakers and thought leaders who integrate faith with leadership can serve as an important reminder of our higher purpose.  If you are seeking motivation or inspiration to lead with integrity, courage, and compassion, stories like those outlined above can be largely impactful.

By learning from experienced speakers, Christian business leaders can develop a leadership approach that not only drives business success but also leaves a lasting, positive impact on their employees, customers, and the broader community. These events equip leaders to create a legacy that honors God and exemplifies Christian values in the marketplace. Subscribe to Convene’s Newsletter to learn about our upcoming events!