
Writing to You from South Korea

Is Jesus returning in your lifetime? What if he was? What would you do differently tomorrow?

What would it be like if Christian leaders worked together to accelerate the fulfilling of the Great Commission, taking the good news of the gospel to the people they lead at their firms? In short, it would be a game changer. Guess what? It’s happening NOW!

I'm writing you from South Korea where I am attending a global conference on evangelism called “Lausanne”. Lausanne is a gathering of leaders started 50 years ago by evangelist Billy Graham. The first meeting was held in Lausanne, Switzerland and it is the largest evangelical gathering with a laser focus on reaching the world for Christ. This week marks the fourth time this event has taken place.

The leaders of Lausanne have determined that, as we journey towards 2050, the need for a comprehensive, coordinated, and collaborative global mission has never been more pressing. Lausanne will be a landmark event that unites leaders from diverse backgrounds to consider gaps and opportunities in global mission.

There is a business track that will have global business leaders meeting together to listen to each other and to talk about what they can do together to accelerate advancing the gospel in the business space.

If you live in North America, you might notice the culture shifting towards just tolerance bordering on ridicule as to it’s thoughts about people of faith. In South America, Africa and Asia the church is growing rapidly and the culture is embracing faith.

Convene is working to expand its global footprint with strong work being done to launch teams in India, South America, Asia, South Africa and Australia. Stay tuned for a report from us as the Lausanne gathering unfolds.

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Greg Leith, Convene CEO