

Empty Pride

Empty Pride

There are numerous examples in the Bible about pride and its consequences in the lives of leaders and followers. And, having worked over the years with hundreds of leaders, and having interviewed over 5,000 of them, I have seen so many leaders like those in the Bible. I have witnessed their disgrace, as written in Proverbs 11: 2 (ESV); “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble wisdom.” In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis wrote, “Pride leads to every other vice; it is the complete anti-God state of mind.” And pride prevents you from serving God.

Isolation & "CEO Disease"

Isolation & "CEO Disease"

The issues associated with leadership isolation have been written on many, many times.  Of all the issues the one that seems the least mentioned is CEO Disease.  This is however a chronic condition that requires continuous treatment. 

But, what is CEO Disease?  This is the condition that all leaders suffer from.  The condition happens when the people that report to the leader deliver information that they think the leader wants to hear.  If left untreated the leader will fail! 

6 Tips for Eliminating the Isolation Factor

6 Tips for Eliminating the Isolation Factor

A common saying in the business world is: “it is lonely at the top.”   Stop and think about it.  Who helps you see the blind spots?  Who gives you honest feedback?  Who is willing to disagree with you?  Who will ask you the right questions to help you process a decision or a problem?  I have been where you are.  I know how lonely it can be.