

The R.O.I. Thing

We use the Return on Investment (ROI) calculation to make investment decisions in our personal lives and businesses weekly, but we don’t typically think of ROI relating to our spiritual life.

In fact, a certain amount of dissonance exists between our ears when thinking about, on one hand, competing, building, investing and growing a company in the marketplace and, on the other, what our eulogist will say about our life on the day of our funeral and what eternity will be like in Heaven.

Jesus wants there to be resonance & complete alignment , not dissonance, with these areas of our thinking and within our lives.

If you take Him at His word, literally, as I do, then you have to read Mathew 19:29 to mean that the amount of money we allocate from our business’ profits to (1) loving our neighbors as ourselves (think funding your local Christian homeless shelter/rescue mission), and, (2) making disciples of all nations (think funding missionaries who take the Word to people groups  who have never even heard of Jesus throughout their existence), will yield us a 100x ROI of economic value in Heaven, forever, literally.

I submit that there’s no other way to read and interpret it.  Jesus wired we five talent and ten talent guys and gals to compete, grow and build a business, so that we can fund his Kingdom here on earth. 

If you feel this dissonance, commit a percentage of your profits to Kingdom investing today and see if it changes how you feel Sunday relates to Monday through Friday.  I’ll be curious to hear how your business performs during that period, too.